Friday, November 5, 2010

My first printrun

Wasted foil from being set up wrong.
On Monday I decided that I would try and get the rollers working. Two of them worked but not the one that rolled the foil back onto another roll after going through the press. After a bit of tinkering, I found that there was a gauge on the side and the main roller was locked in tight. I undid it and it worked. So I set up the roll of foil underneath the platen and then push the foil through what I thought was the appropriate avenues of the roller. It didn't go any where. After much frustration, I had to ask my husband who then explained that the foil has to go behind the big roller and the come back around the small roller underneath it to then hook onto the back.

So this is my first print which was just so exciting. As I hadn't yet worked out the heating element on my platen, the first print didn't even print on the page. Just an impression. I started to pack behind my tympan sheet and it was okay. But as you can see, only one side was very strong with foil. So I pushed the impression up to 5 on the guage. Wow! it came out really strong. But as I printed more I realised that it was starting to bleed on the image. I wasn't happy. But I started to get the hang of adjusting the impression and packing with butcher's paper (newsprint) to create a better print.
But I did learn:
  • you need to have impression bar up for the rollers work and move the foil along
  • that you need to adjust the suckers and air whenever you change the paper.
  • and its best to heat up the platen to its full potential before you start printing.
So next up is printing different coloured foil on top of each other and printing on cardboard.